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Draw the Lines Fall 2018 CfP Group Submission Hibernating

Draw the Lines is a public mapping competition calling on Pennsylvanians to draw their own federal congressional districts. While anyone is welcome to submit their own entry, we thought it would be less daunting (and less time consuming) to do it together.

We'll use this project entry, the #drawthelines slack channel and the Code for Philly hack nights to organize.

PS - Don't worry, if the group wins the grand prize


  • Participants, no dev experience required
  • Lead team lead / coordinator
 Public Site  Developers

Imminently Dangerous Hibernating

A project working to identify substandard rental housing.

Original problem statement: "How can we identify substandard housing? Many rental properties are unlicensed and other with many code violations. How can L&I keep track of which properties should have licenses but do not? Are there indicators that L&I could use to isolate which types/locations most likely aren't up to code?"


L&I goal (to be approved by Shannon) - to provide a minimum standard of living for every resident of Philadelphia.

Team goal - Provide information highlighting properties below minimum…


Mesh Networking Hardware Hibernating

Open mesh networking hardware that can be joined together into a mesh network . Can be used on its own with built in screen or can have data routed to it to extend the functionality of other open source projects. We've nicknamed it HiJump because the signal between devices involves a combo of hi/low transmissions and because once a device receives a payload, the devices around it are checked to see if they have yet received that specific payload. If not, it then jumps to them. The goal is for this device to be small enough to comfortably fit onto a keychain, to contain a low-res character…

 Public Site  Developers

PA School District Funding Hibernating

I wanted to know how school funding in Philadelphia compares to the rest of the state. The state Department of Education publishes enrollment and expenditure figures for every school district in the state. Here are some graphs of these data.

 Public Site  Developers

Data Science for Civic Hackers Hibernating

IPython Notebooks on Data Science for Civic Hackers

Instead of an app, my plan is to create a set of IPython notebooks on how civic hackers can do data science effectively. We are currently experiencing a surge of new data and tools that can help us derive conclusions from the data. Software packages containing methods from Statistics, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence have been open-sourced and available for all to use. Like all tools, however, you have to know how to use these methods effectively. There are other great IPython notebooks out there related to…


MarketPlace for school partners Hibernating

We are developing a platform that enables schools to locate profit or non-profit organizations for funding and services, and allows organizations to reach out to schools for donations.

Original SDP request

> Building a technology solution that will match potential partners with schools. The goal is to develop a registeration site where partnering organizations will 'register' and tell SDP officials about their projects and describe there services. Schools would also 'register' and share their strategic goals and solicit partnerships in specific program and administrative areas. The…


Philly Map of Shame Hibernating

PHL Map of Shame is a citizen-led project to map the impact of the School Reform Commission’s "doomsday budget" on students and parents. We will visualize complaints filed with the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

The Pennsylvania state constitution says that students must be provided with a "thorough and efficient system of public education." If children are being denied educational services, parents, and others with first-hand knowledge of the situation, have the right to file a complaint with the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The Secretary of Education has a…

 Public Site

Real-time Transit Notifications Hibernating

I'd like to develop a service that can send SMS, email or maybe Twitter messages on updates to Philly trains and flights that users can subscribe to. The service would be open to other apps to so they could add message notifications without building it themselves. Think sending a POST to this service which takes the rest from there. The app would also have a front-end that would allow you to search for a flight or train and then subscribe.

I'd like to write the backend in Node on Amazon Web Services, need help writing the front-end. Definitely doable in a weekend!

If there are other…

What's Going On? Hibernating

A campaign website for promoting and collecting data about after-school programs in Philadelphia, and a mobile webapp based on Sencha Touch for finding programs from mobile web browsers or as a Philly 311 app widget.

 Public Site  Developers

Philadelphia School District API Hibernating

Philadelphia School District API

A simple LAMP-based REST API for Philadelphia School District data.

This project uses

  • Open data from the Philadelphia School District
  • PHP / MySQL
  • Limonade micro framework for PHP.
  • Lat/Lon added to school district data using City of Philadelphia geocoder service and OpenRefine.

After-school Wiki Hibernating

With summer school eliminated, provide parents and students access to a comprehensive list of credit recovery and extracurricular options based on location.

Leveraging the use of wikidelphia which is built using local wiki to list programs/activities for after school programs. Please visit to see or add programs.

 Public Site  Developers

School District of Philadelphia Budget - Data Liberation and Visualization Hibernating

The School District of Philadelphia posts budgets for their schools on their website. However, this data is in PDF format and therefore cannot be easily used by developers and others interested in examining the budgets of schools in a programmatic fashion.

This project aims to do 2 things. First, convert the budgets to a RESTful API for others to use. Second, to visualize the budget data in a meaningful way for the community.

The code used to generate data for an API is available on….

 Public Site  Developers