


My Brother's Keeper was conceived in response to the problem of lopsided inventory levels at donation centers serving Philadelphia's homeless. These centers often have an abundance of a few types of donated goods, while many others are in short supply. This web application will enable such donation centers to inform the community of what items they need by simply selecting the items from a list of their general inventory. If greater specificity is needed, they can add comments for any item.

For those who wish to donate, our main landing page will have a geolocation display with charity centers pinned on a map, and the information about which items they need will be easily accessible. This will allow people who wish to donate to make informed giving decisions based on the real urgent needs on the ground.

As a proof of concept - and for feasibility of scope for the purposes of initial testing and development during the 2018 Civic Engagement Launchpad - we are piloting this project with three charity organizations located on the 2700 block of Kensington Avenue. This is at the epicenter of the city's most acute crisis point for the homelessness problem.

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