



Problem: Youth and Young Adults in Philadelphia seeking a path toward gainful employment often qualify for programs that assist them with obtaining further education and/or certifications to assist in gaining employment, but do not have a singular place to find out which of those programs they qualify for.

Solution: Create a form based tool that gathers necessary data from users and generates the programs they qualify for based on the information they submitted.

Technology: The goal is to create this tool using free Google products– Forms, Sheets, & Apps Scripts– to create a proof of concept that can be stood up quickly. User story tickets will be written and assigned using Trello.

Trello Board:

Project Activity

Update #2

We are moving the project to maintaining! Great work by @alatshaw & @benjammin to define the product and get it into the hands of some pilot programs.

The product will continue to evolve from here. @alatshaw will be taking over main ownership of the project, and will still be working closely with @benjammin to get new features added through the new year. Anyone looking to work with and help a great product looking to impact an under supported part of the Philly community reach out to either of them!