


A spin-off from the After School Wiki hackathon project that brings together the largest after school activity organizers in Philadelphia to create an open and central database of after school programming and to make it accessible for Philly's residents.

Project Activity

After School Activities Widget Now Available on Philly311 Mobile App

Last week, the Mayor’s Office of Communications announced the release of the Philly311 After School Activities widget. Born out of Philly311’s public widget contest, the idea for a youth programming widget came from Code for Philly Brigade Captain Chris Alfano. Chris Alfano won the widget contest, which led to a partnership between Philly311, Code for Philly, and the After School Activities Partnership (ASAP).

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City Of Philadelphia Releases After School Activities Widget

Philadelphia, August 7, 2014— The City of Philadelphia released a new widget, the After School Activities widget, which enables users to learn more about after school activities and programs in their neighborhoods. As the winning idea for the 2013 Philly311 Widget Contest, the After School Activities widget is accessible through the Philly311 Mobile App.

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