


"Google Earth for Philadelphia" with open source and open transit data.

Live demo:

Interactively visualize SEPTA routes and pedestrian counts. Middle-mouse button drag to tilt the view. More transit layers to come in the future.

Real-Time SEPTA locations and average weekday pedestrian activity at Philadelphia street corners in August 2013.

There is a great open-data movement in Philadelphia, but there is not a one-stop viewer for the heterogeneous datasets. OpenPhillyGlobe is an open-source web-based 3D globe for visualizing Philly's open data with an initial focus on simultaneously visualizing multiple transit layers.

OpenPhillyGlobe is built on Cesium, an open-source virtual globe engine, and developed in JavaScript. It runs in a browser without a plugin.

OpenPhillyGlobe is developed for the Apps for Philly Transit 2013 Hackathon by @abwood and @pjcozzi with special thanks to @matt_amato.

OpenPhillyGlobe uses the Apache 2.0 license. It is free for commercial and non-commercial use.

Data Sources Credits * Philadelphia Pedestrian Counts * SEPTA API * OpenStreetMap

Artwork Credits * SEPTA * Wikimedia Commons

Project Activity