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Unlock Philly Maintaining

Using open data and crowd sourcing our mission is to make Philadelphia a more accessible city that welcomes and embraces people of all ages and abilities.

We are "building with, not for" and doing our best to ensure that our meetup spaces and tools are accessible. CityCoho is completely wheelchair accessible including the restrooms; Devnuts' entrance is wheelchair accessible and the restroom is large and on the same level, but there are no grab bars. The seating at both spaces is wheelchair friendly.

An accessible website/app is our number one priority. We value all contributions that…

 Public Site  Developers

Penndot Traffic Camera API Commenting


Get Cameras By roadid

  • Endpoint: /getCamerasByRoadId.php
  • Parameters: roadid - One of (i476,i676,i76,i95,nonhighway), format - (xml or json)

Get Cameras By Lat Lng

  • Endpoint: /getCamerasByLatLng.php
  • Parameters: lat - Latitude, lng - Longitude, radius - (in miles, default 10mi), count - (default 20) format - (xml or json)

Get All Cameras

  • Endpoint: /getAllCameras.php
 Public Site  Developers

OpenPhillyGlobe Commenting

"Google Earth for Philadelphia" with open source and open transit data.

Live demo:

Interactively visualize SEPTA routes and pedestrian counts. Middle-mouse button drag to tilt the view. More transit layers to come in the future.

Real-Time SEPTA locations and average weekday pedestrian activity at Philadelphia street corners in August 2013.

There is a…

 Public Site  Developers

Kiqstnd Bootstrapping

A bike parking locator that allows users to find Bike Parking published through Open Data Philly and allows for user input to display parking they've discovered. In addition, a map overlay of Bike Theft data would be able to be toggled to show theft by month and year.

This project has not had much activity since its inception in October 2013 but I would love to kickback the Kiqstnd, and get this going again!!!

Are you interested in working on a cool Bicycle App?

Kiqstnd needs you.


Enter/Return Commenting

Original Idea:

To see the underlying resource data, look at the networkofcare_lat_lng.csv within the /data folder.


Animating Bike Theft Data with D3 Drifting

I'll be using the Bike Theft Data to make an interactive web map, which will hopefully animate to show seasonal and/or hourly patterns in the data.


UPDATE 10/16/2013

There was a major error with the originally posted project. When manipulating the dataset in Excel, I sorted by date, which usually sorts all columns, but for some reason lat and lon remained fixed. The data was originally sorted by precinct and then date, which explains why the data appeared isolated to individual neighborhoods.

I was skeptical of the data, but it seemed to "smooth out" further into the…

 Public Site  Developers

Public School Accessibility Commenting

How long does it take to walk or take public transit to the nearest public school throughout the city? How has that changed, city-wide, after the recent public school closings?

Let's build an interactive map that visualizes travel time to the closest public school — with options to show the map with the data from before the closing, after the closing, or allow the user to build their own map by interactively closing or opening existing schools.

This will both demonstrate how open data can be used to generate a basic "accessibility" analysis and demonstrate one of the uses of the new…

 Public Site  Developers

Clean Air Council's Open Climate Tracker Commenting

The Clean Air Council's Open Climate Tracker is an open-hardware, mobile sensor platform that is designed to gather data over large areas and connect that data to the internet through its built-in mobile mesh network. The goal of the project is to gather city-wide data pertaining to Climate Change and pollution and combine that data with with open databases such as OpenTreeMaps to quantify the effects of tree cover in the city over time. This will allow researchers to quantify the real economic and environmental value to each tree planted. The data will also be opened up to developers who…

 Public Site  Developers

Real-time Transit Notifications Hibernating

I'd like to develop a service that can send SMS, email or maybe Twitter messages on updates to Philly trains and flights that users can subscribe to. The service would be open to other apps to so they could add message notifications without building it themselves. Think sending a POST to this service which takes the rest from there. The app would also have a front-end that would allow you to search for a flight or train and then subscribe.

I'd like to write the backend in Node on Amazon Web Services, need help writing the front-end. Definitely doable in a weekend!

If there are other…