


My Philly

My Philly is a site designed to make it easier to find and interact with the Registered Community Organizations (RCOs) of Philadelphia. It enables users to search their address, and find which RCOs apply to where they live. It also provides a coverage map to explore the city and see which areas could use more love.

Project Activity

‘MyPhilly’ Aims to Increase Neighborhood Involvement

Article posted by Kamal Elliott at the Office of Open Data and Digital Transformation

A map of RCOs shared by the City already exists, but the new app can facilitate new levels of engagement. “[The government resource] serves a lot of different purposes, so you have to dig in the settings to get to the RCO layer,” said Laura Oxenfeld, MyPhilly’s lead user experience designer and project manager. “So ours is just devoted to that.”

Read the full article on…Published

Update #2

Site is live

My Philly is now live online, with most of its basic features working. You can enter your address, and get a list of Registered Community Organizations that cover your area. You can click into these to get a bunch of information about them. We also have a map which shows RCO overlap, and a bunch of different content sections to read.

Up next is officially sending out the information gathering survey to various RCO leaders, where they can give us their mission statement, social media accounts, and any committees they may have. These responses should be cropping up as they're given to us - so keep your eyes peeled!