Quick Click Keyboard
Update #1
Deleting the update messed up the link to this project so I am reposting this update:
In a quick survey I did in the Muscular Dystrophy community, over 70% of computer users use a mouse and on-screen keyboard, yet so much interaction is done through hover functionality and hotkeys. There are minimal tools and web accessibility practices out there to make computer usage fully accessible to mouse/touchpad/trackball users. These limitations become even more apparent with specialized software, such as CAD and video editing applications. Would anyone like to help me build something to accommodate this group, of which I am a part?
This app I'm trying to have built is a more advanced on-screen keyboard than the ones integrated into Windows and mobile operating systems. It would allow people who can't use physical keyboards [mouse, touchpad, or trackball only] to not feel limited by hotkeys and hover interactivity by making it possible to replicate these using only a pointing device.
If you would like to see my idea: Please check out the Explanation Animation I made [make sure it's 1080p if it looks too fuzzy]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A0O_Rowulg2BSoQ1cXGxVxMjgQGnfpOZ/view?usp=sharing
Fill out this survey on it: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdS8_3zE6QVZuZ0pHiK993bGSbHBUf1Y00EGQKNz4nde5JFgg/viewform?usp=pp_url
And look at my open-to-add-to list [that the disability community has been contributing to] of all the challenges people face when using a computer without a physical keyboard: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rVX1xPi7RPNpZCLByPbag69XflagvomfjovvlcQZe8A/edit?usp=sharing
Please share any thoughts, and join my slack project channel #quickclickkeyboard !
All the best!